Charm Glasses

The journey of kids glasses

When I was a little boy, I was told by parents to be careful with my eyes. But I was just eight years old at that time. And who could stop a boy at his early age just for a few seconds from playing all around and being curious about everything? I still remember those days in which I played in the fields and caught insects, or the day when I first watched TV. Through my curious eyes, I observed this colorful, amazing world and never felt tired. That is the prelude of my journey of kid’s glasses.

In a couple of years after that, I was still very naughty. “No one could control him.” That was the common from my grandma. I was in a local primary school at that age and have a lot of little companions. These kids and I was active at school especially in gym class. And after school, we were always hanging around and had a lot of things to do. I usually watched TV program when I got home. Living in a world that computer is not so popular yet; these TV programs are incredible enough to attract me. So I watched TV programs for a long time everyday. And of course, my eye sights were getting short. “So you want a pair of big ugly prescription glasses?” my mom was always asking when she saw me watching TV for over 2 hours and didn’t even get a pause.

If you still remember the old time, you will recall the appearance of the old prescription glasses. They are huge. Their frames are usually made of metals and their lenses are made of glass. Generally speaking, kid’s glasses of that time are pretty ugly, in my point of view. So I hated to wear such a thing that might probably damage my image. But as my eyes sights were getting worse. I got my first glasses.

Time changes everything. After that I bought several other types. They are all kept well in my house though they are not that good themselves. The last kid’s glasses are bought from the website: This is a very good online glasses shop. Every kind of colors and styles could be found here. Sometimes it remains me of my child time. I like this website and will remember it forever.